Medium staff/bots for some reason keep pushing articles from this author into my inbox.
To begin with, the writing style is awful. Long meandering run on sentences are tiring. Secondly, I would venture out to say that English…
Medium staff/bots for some reason keep pushing articles from this author into my inbox. I am far from being America’s fanboy, as it is easy for everyone to see that today this country is in turmoil and is faced wth numerous challenges. But the content this author keeps peddling is of such low quality, that something needs to be said, in the hopes that the deluge of drivel might stop.
To begin with, the writing style is awful. Long meandering run on sentences are tiring. Secondly, I would venture out to say that English is probably not author’s native language. Either that, or the author simply does not have a good grasp of language, period. Because his writing style is bad (to put it mildly).
But that’s a minor offence. The big offence here is the unbridled mythologizing and seemingly endless fabrication of facts. The author is insisting on pitting America against the rest of the world. He is deliberately painting an almost comical black-and-white picture. On one side, we see America, the root and the embodiment of all evil that could possibly beset humanity, and on the other side we see the rest of the world, the embodiment of all that is good and progressive and enlightened.
Such naive portrayal would be laughable if it weren’t so stupid. Not sure what planet is the author living on right now, but it definitely doesn’t sound like planet Earth.
Medium staff/Medium bots — please stop shoving this drivel into my inbox!