My Writings On Chatbots And Conversational Interface
How to Design a Bot Protocol
One of the biggest fallacies about the present bot craze is that bots need to be capable of offering nuanced…
Four Types Of Bots
Most bots available on the market today are simplistic. They seem to offer services that are not all that sophisticated…
Breaking The Fourth Wall In Software
Or, Everything Old Is New
Is There A Downside To Conversational Interfaces?
I’ve been recently involved in a few initiatives around building so-called conversational commerce. I was also invited…
Are Bots just a Fad? Are GUIs really Superior?
I have a confession to make: I like to go opposite of the crowds. If many are raving about something, I take it with a…
Bots Are The Anti-Apps
Year 2016 is shaping up to be the year of bots. That’s exciting, but upon closer inspection it looks more like the year…
How Much NLP Do Bots Need?
Natural language processing (NLP) is gaining prominence thanks to the recent popularity of bots. As technology evolves…
How To Build A Stateful Bot
I’ve been doing professional web development for almost 27 years. I’ve learned a lot by building web apps. I’ve…
The Age of Self-Serve is Coming to an End
The history of the human race is basically a history of
Only No UX Is Good UX
Freedom boils down to having a choice. When it comes to UX, we should have a freedom of
Stop Building Lame Bots!
Steam engine was one of the most important technological inventions. One of the first applications of the steam engine…
Screens Are For Consumption, Not For Interaction
Projecting images onto a flat surface has been one of the favourite passtimes for countless generations. It was only in…